Commodore 64 (cart.) versions

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Title Year
Popeye (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Princess and the Frog (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Professional Skateboard Simulator + Fast Food + Pro Tennis Simulator (USA, Europe) (Fun Play) ???? Open
Linked with game Q-bert (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Rack 'em Up! (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Radar Rat Race (Japan) (v02) (Alt 1) (MAX) ???? Open
Radar Rat Race (Japan) (v02) (MAX) ???? Open
Ranch (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Rechenlowe, Der - Fit in Addition und Subtraktion - 2.-3. Schuljahr (Germany) ???? Open
Rechenlowe, Der - Fit in Addition und Subtraktion - 3.-4. Schuljahr (Germany) ???? Open
Rechenlowe, Der - Fit in Geometrie - 3.-4. Schuljahr (Germany) ???? Open
Rechenlowe, Der - Fit in Mathematik - 1. Schuljahr (Germany) ???? Open
Rechenlowe, Der - Fit in Multiplikation und Division - 2.-3. Schuljahr (Germany) ???? Open
Rechenlowe, Der - Fit in Multiplikation und Division - 3.-4. Schuljahr (Germany) ???? Open
Rechtschreiblowe, Der - Fit in Rechtschreibung - 3.-4. Schuljahr (Germany) ???? Open
Retro Ball (USA, Europe) ???? Open
River Raid (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Road Race (Japan) (v02) (MAX) ???? Open
RoboCop 2 (Europe) ???? Open
Linked with game RoboCop 3 (Europe) ???? Open
Linked with game Robotron - 2084 (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Rootin' Tootin' (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Sales Cartridge (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Sammy Lightfoot (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Linked with game Satan (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Save New York (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Sea Speller (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Sea Wolf (USA, Europe) (MAX) ???? Open
Seafox (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Seahorse Hide'n Seek (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Serpentine (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Sesame Street - Letter-Go-Round (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Shadow of the Beast (Europe) ???? Open
Solar Fox (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Song Maker (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Space Action (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Space Gun (Europe) ???? Open
Space Ric-O-Shay (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Space Shuttle - A Journey into Space (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Speed Math & Bingo Math (USA, Europe) (v01) (MAX) ???? Open
Spitball (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Star Post (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Star Ranger (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Star Wars - The Arcade Game (USA, Europe) ???? Open
States and Capitals Tutorial (USA) ???? Open
Stix (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Story Machine (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Super Alien (Japan) (v01) (MAX) ???? Open
Super Sketch (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Super Smash (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Linked with game Super Zaxxon (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Tank Wars (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Linked with game Tapper (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Tennis (USA) (CCS) ???? Open
Tennis (USA) (VICE) ???? Open
Tenpins (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Tenpins + Meteor Runner + Vortex (USA, Europe) (Megafun) ???? Open
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day + Modern Music Maker + Image System, The (Europe) ???? Open
Threshold (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Timebound (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Linked with game Toki (Europe) 1991 Open
Tool-64, The (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Tooth Invaders (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Toy Bizarre (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Trashman (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Turbo Maze Man (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Tyler's Dungeons (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Ultrex Quadro Maze (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Up & Add'Em (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Up for Grabs (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Up'n Down (USA, Europe) ???? Open
Utah Counties Tutorial (USA) ???? Open
Viduzzles - Computerized Jigsaw Puzzles (USA, Europe) ???? Open
