342 reads json #44991

Game Waxworks

Year ????
Genre(s) role play
Synopsis As a child, you were never taught of your family's dark secret - a whole history of "evil twins" doing Satan's work on Earth, and "good twins" attempting to put this right. Your uncle informs you of this shortly before his death, and after travelling to his castle you find that you must travel through time to correct these wrongdoings. Through a range of murals at your uncle's house, various past scenes must be entered, with more becoming available as you complete them. In each you must find and kill your demented relative in time.
Amiga 500 »
???? Waxworks (Germany)
Amiga 500 »
???? ★★★ Waxworks (Europe)
Amiga 500 »
???? Waxworks (France)