291 reads json #524

Version for Game Boy Dynablaster (Europe)

Collection data

.dat name gbo_no-intro
.dat version Nintendo - Game Boy | https://www.no-intro.org | 20230205-095952
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Game Boy
ROMset title Dynablaster (Europe)
ROMset alias
ROMset CRC32* 9677d157
ROMset size* 131072 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
  • [eur] Dynablaster
Compile date 1990-??-??
Serial number
Screen overscan
Voting 0
Other versions
Game Boy »
1990 Bomber Boy (Japan)
Game Boy »
1991 Atomic Punk (USA)
Arcade »
1991 ★★ Atomic Punk (US)

Parent Game(s) data

GameAtomic Punk (1990–1991)
Saga(s)Bomber Man (1985–1998)
SynopsisThe game offers two single player and two multiplayer modes. The single player mode called "Game B" has the classical Bomberman gameplay, while the mode "Game A" introduces several variations. The levels in Game A are divided in nine areas, which can be accessed in any order from a world map. Depending on the time taken to finish a level and the number of blocks destroyed, the player gets a certain amount of gold, which can be used to buy power-ups (called "panels" in the game) in shop, which in term is accessed from the map. Power-ups allow, for example, to revive Bomberman when he dies in a stage or to increase the length of an explosion. Before entering a new area, the player chooses which panels to use in order to complete the area.