137 reads json #6214

Version for Megadrive Powerball (USA)

Collection data

.dat name mdr-crt_no-intro
.dat version Sega - Mega Drive - Genesis | https://www.no-intro.org | 20231204-141612
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Megadrive
ROMset title Powerball (USA)
ROMset alias Powerball (USA)
ROMset CRC32* 7adf232f
ROMset size* 524288 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
  • [usa] Powerball
Compile date 1991-??-??
Serial number
View top
Screen overscan 0, 0, 0, 0
Media 1 × cartridge
Voting 0
Other versions
Megadrive »
1991 Wrestleball (Japan)

Parent Game(s) data

GamePowerball (1991)
Genre(s)action, sports
SynopsisEight different teams representing various nations are vying to become the POWERBALL champions, and you control one of the eight in your quest for the championship. A hybrid of games like rugby and football, powerball is played on a 100-yard field. Try to score by either carrying the ball into your opponent's end zone or kicking it into your opponent's net for points.