120 reads json #38196

Version for Amiga 500 Skeleton Krew (Europe) (AGA)

Collection data

.dat name amg-a5c_no-intro
.dat version Commodore - Amiga | http://www.no-intro.org | 20171230-022246
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Amiga 500
ROMset title Skeleton Krew (Europe) (AGA)
ROMset alias
ROMset CRC32* 35d3ea2e
ROMset size* 3147912 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
Compile date
Serial number
Screen overscan
Voting 0
Other versions
Megadrive »
???? Skeleton Krew (Europe)
Megadrive »
1995 Skeleton Krew (USA)

Parent Game(s) data

GameSkeleton Krew (1995)
SynopsisWanna pack a BIG GUN with enough ammo to level a city? You got it...! Wanna massakre seriously psykotic Psykogenix mutants and get paid? You got it...! Wanna blast your way through the savage secret zones, deadly Krewtraps, mad n' bad buildings and hideous end-of-level Psykos comprising 6 HUMUNGOUS levels of 3D isometrik karnage - and wear a spectacularly sexy, hyper-hi-tek, Big Ordanance Neutralising Exo-skeleton, to boot? Well you got it all - but only if you join Spine, Joint and Rib, otherwise known as the Skeleton Krew, in their first outRAGEous blastfest!!