269 reads json #37888

Version for Amiga 500 Push-Over (Europe) (En, Fr, De, Es) (Copyright Ocean Title)

Collection data

.dat name amg-a5c_no-intro
.dat version Commodore - Amiga | https://www.no-intro.org | 20240604-172503
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Amiga 500
ROMset title Push-Over (Europe) (En, Fr, De, Es) (Copyright Ocean Title)
ROMset alias Push-Over (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) (Copyright Ocean Title)
ROMset CRC32* c5e834bc
ROMset size* 2098916 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
Compile date
Serial number
View side
Screen overscan
Media 3.5" disk
Voting 0
Other versions

Parent Game(s) data

GamePush-Over (????)
SynopsisYou're playing a small ant that is willing to help a friend in rather inconvenient situation. Apparently, your friend, doggie, likes to eat cookies that has his picture on their box, and he got himself so carried away that he lost the balance, and a bag of cookies fell deep down into an ant-hill. Now, you're goin' in, in a mission of solving puzzles, and retrieving the cookies for your friend. Now, this ant-hill is a bit different from the ones you saw, and especially from the one you live in. It's path is filled up with boulders, and all the gates, and you must travel the quest to find the cookies. After each different place inside, you'll fins a small bag of cookie, and bring it back to your friend doggie.