216 reads json #37997

Version for Amiga 500 RoboCop 3 (Europe)

Collection data

.dat name amg-a5c_no-intro
.dat version Commodore - Amiga | https://www.no-intro.org | 20240604-172503
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Amiga 500
ROMset title RoboCop 3 (Europe)
ROMset alias RoboCop 3 (Europe)
ROMset CRC32* d5e28057
ROMset size* 3142390 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
Compile date
Serial number
Screen overscan
Voting 0
Other versions
Super Nintendo »
???? RoboCop 3 (USA)
Megadrive »
???? RoboCop 3 (USA, Europe)
???? RoboCop 3 (Europe)
???? RoboCop 3 (USA)
Master System »
???? RoboCop 3 (Europe, Brazil)
Game Gear »
???? RoboCop 3 (World)
Amiga 500 »
???? RoboCop 3 (Europe) (En, Fr, De) (Dongle Protected)
Commodore 64 (cart.) »
???? RoboCop 3 (Europe)
Super Nintendo »
???? RoboCop 3 (USA) (Arcade)
Super Nintendo »
1992 RoboCop 3 (Europe)

Parent Game(s) data

GameRobocop 3 (1992)
Genre(s)action, platforms
Synopsis"RoboCop 3" is a side-scrolling platform shooter. You get missions (such as rescuing your colleagues who are being kept hostages), which are divided into several smaller levels. The levels usually consist of several platforms, and are heavily populated by enemies who shoot at you. You can gather special repair kits, which will be used to restore your health after you've completed a level. "RoboCop 3" is more of a shooter than its predecessors, having more and tougher enemies.