64 reads json #75717

Version for Arcade Legend of Hero Tonma (World, bootleg with i8751)

Collection data

.dat name arc_mame
.dat version MAME | Simplified with Dat Simplifier - v1.0.2021-11-30 | "0259"
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Arcade
ROMset title Legend of Hero Tonma (World, bootleg with i8751)
ROMset alias lohtb3
ROMset CRC32* 09f016e0
ROMset size* 1642496 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
Compile date
Serial number
Screen overscan
Voting 0
Other versions

Parent Game(s) data

GameLegend of Hero Tonma (1989–1993)
SynopsisIn the days when we could still travel between the human world and the world of magic, there lived Tonma, an apprentice to the wizerd Merlin. One day when meditating, Tonma heard the voice of a princess crying out for help. He asked Merlin what this might mean and Merlin told him: "Tonma. You were born a Royal prince in another country, and the princess is destined to be your bride." Tonma resolved to rescue the princess, and set off on a journey to the world of magic....