73 reads json #78937

Version for Amstrad CPC (diskette) Targhan (Silmarils) (Spain)

Collection data

.dat name cpc-dsk_clean-cpc-db
.dat version Amstrad - CPC - clean-cpc-db | "v1.1 - 2022.6.22"
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Amstrad CPC (diskette)
ROMset title Targhan (Silmarils) (Spain)
ROMset alias
ROMset CRC32* 06142b9b
ROMset size* 415744 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
  • [esp] Targhan
Compile date
Serial number
View side
Screen overscan
Media 3" disk
Voting 0
Other versions
Amiga 500 »
???? Targhan (France) (Compilation - Simulation Top)
Amiga 500 »
???? Targhan (Europe)
Atari ST »
???? Targhan (Europe) (Budget - Action Sixteen)
PC (diskette) »
???? Targhan [2440]
Amstrad CPC (diskette) »
???? Targhan (Silmarils) (France)

Parent Game(s) data

GameTarghan (????)
SynopsisThe events of "Targhan" take place in medieval times; the game's setting and gameplay are similar to those of "Golden Axe". The plot involves a lone warrior traveling the land far and wide, killing all manner of beasts, with the end goal in mind to kill an evil lord who has gotten too big for his britches.