127 reads json #51123

Version for PC (diskette) Psycho Pinball [1997]

Collection data

.dat name pcc-dsk_god
.dat version The Good Old Days | (SIMPLIFIED DAT) | "2020-12-27 14:34:21"
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform PC (diskette)
ROMset title Psycho Pinball [1997]
ROMset alias
ROMset CRC32* ebb49495
ROMset size* 7372800 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
  • [???] Psycho Pinball
Compile date 1995-??-??
Serial number
View top
Screen overscan 0, 0, 0, 0
Media 5 × 3.5" disk
Voting 0
Other versions

Parent Game(s) data

GamePsycho Pinball (1995)
Synopsis"Psycho Pinball" is another pinball game in the style first introduced in "Pinball Dreams" and later popularized in "Pinball Fantasies". Standard features of these types of pinball simulations include an animated backglass display, multiple bonuses including a multi-ball, extra ball, etc., and background music that changes based on active specials.