146 reads json #49738

Version for PC (diskette) Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon [600]

Collection data

.dat name pcc-dsk_god
.dat version The Good Old Days | (SIMPLIFIED DAT) | "2020-12-27 14:34:21"
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform PC (diskette)
ROMset title Space Quest 3: The Pirates of Pestulon [600]
ROMset alias
ROMset CRC32* ecc66505
ROMset size* 2211840 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
Compile date
Serial number
Screen overscan
Voting 0
Other versions

Parent Game(s) data

GameSpace Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon (1989)
Genre(s)graphic adventure
Saga(s)Space Quest (1987–1994)
SynopsisNarrowly escaping the events of Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, Roger Wilco's escape pod floats through space. As just another metallic item of junk, it's soon picked up by an interstellar garbage hauler. Waking up in a pile of trash, quite familiar for this janitor-turned-hero, Roger Wilco must somehow escape. Once given access to the rest of the galaxy, he'll soon find himself having to avoid a collections cyborg for payments overdue, dealing with the corporate prison of software company Scummsoft, and having to digest the greasy food from the galaxy's finest hamburger joint.