317 reads json #27822

Version for Arcade Defender (Green label)

Collection data

.dat name arc_mame
.dat version MAME | Simplified with Dat Simplifier - v1.0.2021-11-30 | "0259"
.dat status Up-to-date
ROMset platform Arcade
ROMset title Defender (Green label)
ROMset alias defenderg
ROMset CRC32* b8fd08c6
ROMset size* 29184 bytes

Version data

Intro title(s)
  • [???] Defender
Compile date 1980-??-??
Serial number
View side
Screen overscan
Voting 2
Other versions

Parent Game(s) data

GameDefender (1980–1981)
Synopsis"Defender" put players in charge of a ship sent to protect mankind from wave after wave of attacking alien forces. Armed with smart bombs and the ability to use hyperspace to move quickly around the planet, the player ship must fight against Bombers, Pods, Swarmers, Baiters, and Landers - that can capture the humanoids and transform them into deadly and relentless Mutants. Fail to save the humanoids from freefall or Mutant transformation, and the planet is destroyed.